Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to disable gmail chat without disable gmail for a network

It is really nice to use chat and mail in the same browser window. But many times we need to disable the chat feature of gmail for their employees and many guys don't know how to perform it on a network. The following are the simple steps to disable gmail chat on a network.

1. Disable gmail chat from the complete network using DNS lookup table.
If our router or firewall has the feature of DNS lookuptable controlling we can disable the gamil chat feature by assigning the gmail chat DNS to loop back address.

That is assign to and the gmail chat function will be disabled for the complete network.

Gmail chat DNS =

Loop back address =

2.Block gtalk in a Local Network with the use of third party tools:

In market there are a lot of tools available to block chat features on the complete network. You can easily find it out by simply google it.

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